
Tips for Holiday Plumbing Issues

Sep 26th 2018

Tips for Holiday Plumbing Issues

The holidays are always a busy time for families. With more people in a household, plumbers have some tips.

First, never put grease or oil down the drain. It will harden once it reaches the bottom, causing a blockage.

Any food scrpas on your plate should be thrown in the trash. The garbage disposal won't be able properly work if too much food goes down the drain.

"Never ever grease or oil down the drain; never ever. Don't put 50 pounds of potato peels down your garbage disposal; that's going to clog it up. And I guess be cognacent of the guests in your house," said Scott Riddle, a plumbing manager with Benjamin Franklin Plumbing.

Riddle says if your disposal isn't working properly, call a plumber.