The Use of Plumbing Fixtures in Home Remodeling
Sep 26th 2018
Kitchens and bathrooms are by far the most common and popular areas for home remodeling. That's understandable, especially since they play such integral roles in our daily lives and routines. Of course, it's easy to get very involved in the process, sometimes so much so that people overlook some basic but essential concerns. Cabinetry, flooring, and countertops may be some of the most visually obvious aspects of the remodeling process, but plumbing and fixtures are key.
Where and When
So, you've decided on breathtaking cabinets that you simply must have. That's fantastic! Do you know if the sink you want will fit with them? That's always something to keep in mind. As you're going through the design process for your kitchen or bathroom, be sure to think about the plumbing and fixtures. If you want to install an island in the kitchen, or renovate an old home so that it now has a dishwasher, you'll need to consult a plumber and plan the rest of your remodeling changes around those additions. Once you've installed your cabinets, it'll be too late to suddenly discover that your sink doesn't fit, or that you need to redo the plumbing in the walls to accommodate the dishwasher. Before you make any big changes, be sure to know what every addition or alteration entails, both in terms of space and in terms of plumbing or electrical needs. After all, that new dishwasher is going to need to get both electricity and water from somewhere.
Appearance and Function
Installing a walk-in shower or garden tub can be a great idea, but that doesn't make it simple. Always consult a plumber, since your plumbing may need to be reworked in order to accommodate the new fixtures. Expanding from a single to double vanity can have similar issues. Keep in mind that in order to get the appearance you want and have everything function, you may have work to do before the installation can even begin. Having everything look beautiful is great, but installing a shower or tub that you can't use will ultimately be pointless. Any plumbing fixtures manufacturer should be able to point you in the right direction to get you started. Planning your layout and each step in your design is important, but you also should be taking into account the remodeling work that will need to be done behind the scenes.