Signs That Your Pipes Are Damaged
Jan 26th 2018
Water is a precious commodity. It's so precious that water bottlers sell it at a price higher per gallon than gasoline! Without water, life cannot exist, and without indoor plumbing, life gets much more difficult. If you are concerned about your water usage, one of the best things you can do is control for leaks. At New York Replacement Parts Corporation, we know that it may be difficult to find leaks in a home. Here are a couple tips that will clue you into any water leaks your home may be experiencing.
High Water Bills
If your water bill is suddenly higher without any reason, you may have a leak. Even a seemingly small leak from a tap or in the toilet can cost you hundreds of dollars. Some leaks are easy to see and repair with American Standard kitchen faucet repair parts. Other leaks will require more detective work.
Stinky Basement
Bad odors in the lower levels of the home can signal that a pipe is clogged or leaking sewage. It is important to get this type of leak fixed quickly because raw sewage is a health hazard. It may also create methane, which could become a fire hazard. Either way, you don't want sewage leaking into your home or into the areas under the house. Calling out a professional to deal with the problem is your best bet when you need to deal with sewage from a clog or leak in your home.
Low Water Pressure
While American Standard kitchen faucet parts may be able to compensate for your poor water pressure, they are only treating the symptom and not the cause. Some homes have low water pressure due to faulty pipes and leaks. Finding out why your home's water pressure is low is the first step to making sure that you have secure pipes that aren't wasting a precious resource.