How to Choose the Right Plumbing Parts
Sep 26th 2018
Plumbing problems are never fun, but they are inevitable. No matter how great your plumbing, it simply won't hold up forever. That means at some point you're going to need new plumbing parts. Selecting the right plumbing parts can seem tricky, but it doesn't have to be as difficult as you might have imagined.Consult the Right PeopleThe first step in ordering the right plumbing parts is simply to k
The Use of Plumbing Fixtures in Home Remodeling
Sep 26th 2018
Kitchens and bathrooms are by far the most common and popular areas for home remodeling. That's understandable, especially since they play such integral roles in our daily lives and routines. Of course, it's easy to get very involved in the process, sometimes so much so that people overlook some basic but essential concerns. Cabinetry, flooring, and countertops may be some of the most visually obv
How to Change Toilet Parts
Sep 26th 2018
1Turn the shut-off valve beneath the toilet tank clockwise until tight. Remove the tank lid and carefully place on a towel to avoid damage. Press down the flush handle to drain the tank. Use your hand to lift the flap if the handle doesn't work. Soak up the water remaining in the tank with a towel.2Hold the fill valve with one hand to stabilize it. Use an adjustable wrench to rotate the nut holdin
Plumbing Basics
Sep 26th 2018
Plumbing follows the basic laws of nature - gravity, pressure, water seeking its own level. Knowing this can help you understand its mystery and make tons of fixes to your plumbing system. You'll save time, trouble and money!The plumbing system in your home is composed of 2 seperate subsystems. One brings fresh water in, and the other takes wastewater out. The water that comes into your home is un